
Jun 23, 2009

doing consult

I might rewrite this diary in Japanese after I get back to Japan.
I'm tired of doing copy and paste...

The patient was a 14yo male, with PMH os depression, who was brought to ER after polypharmacy ingestion. He was still bradycardic after 5 days. He've also conplained of chest pain once while in ICU.

The reason for consult was
- is his bradycardia from the meds or his baseline?
- is his chest pain something about heart?

After I read his chart and EKG, I went to see him and exam him.

My A/P was,
- his bradycardia is his baseline.
- his chest pain is not cardiogenic. Might need to r/o pneumothorax or pleural effusion by CXR on the day he had chest pain.

My A/P and the read of ECG, and monitor ECG were right. My fellow fully agreed with me, and signed off him at once.

I was really happy about this.
About 6 months ago, I though I would not be able to become a doctor. I cannot see pt alone, I cannot make decisions.
But now I feel that I can think about pt, I can assess and make plan for him/her.
Isn't is great?! This isn't the only case. I'm starting to make right A/P.

I am really really happy.
I AM improving. I AM making a step forward!!!

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